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1. Is this for you or someone else?
Someone else
2. What's your age?
Under 12 years old
12-17 years old
18-24 years old
25-34 years old
35-44 years old
45 years old and above
3. Have you had orthodontic treatment before?
4. What orthodontic procedure are you interested in?
Dental Braces
Whatever the dentist advises
Click the option that best describes the state of your teeth
Big Gaps / Spaced Out
How would you describe the condition of your teeth and smile?
Minor cosmetic concerns
Alignment or spacing concerns; fair oral health
Significant dental problems; less-than-ideal oral health
What is your time frame to fix your teeth?
Less than 6 months
6 months to 1 year
1 to 2 years
Over 2 years
Why now? What made you take the step now?
I want to improve my appearance
I have experienced discomfort or pain
I received a referral or recommendation
I'm looking to boost my confidence
If we need to fit this into your budget, how can we make it affordable for you?
Monthly payment plans
Flexible treatment options
Assistance with dental benefits
Referral credit for bringing new patients
Fabulous Dentistry
9863 Long Point Rd Houston Tx 77055
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